Форум VolSat

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-   Plugin (Плагины) для Enigma2 (http://forum.volsat.com.ua/forumdisplay.php?f=326)
-   -   IPTVPlayer e2 plugin (http://forum.volsat.com.ua/showthread.php?t=11191)

kosoleg5 21.08.2017 10:44

IPTVPlayer e2 plugin

whats new: -Add new options to the host h***://tvplayer.com/ configuration

maradona 06.01.2018 13:44

Вложений: 1

CHILA-OM 05.09.2021 14:04

Вложений: 2
- Fix Movizland >> tsiplayer
- Fix Tuktukcinema >> tsiplayer
- Fix cimaclub >> tsiplayer. *** And add a new feature in xtream iptv live. If you have an iptv subscription, you can add the audio directly to the ipaudio.json file from your subscription Also, in YouTube, like FIFA, you can also add audio *** PY2: wget -q "--no-check-certificate" http://ipkinstall.ath.cx/ipk-install...R/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh *** PY3: wget -q "--no-check-certificate" http://ipkinstall.ath.cx/ipk-install...3/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh *** Thanks @linuxsat25

CHILA-OM 08.02.2022 13:33

Вложений: 2
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