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Старый 11.04.2010, 18:25   #4
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Kathrein Tools
Mini-uboot Instalator 0.85

Miniuboot an alternative to the 2nd boot-loader and softusb2. Generally, the task is exactly the dock ³ same, ie allows you to choose the firmware that runs at startup like those tunera.I solution to OSA can e ³ u ¿insert to 9 of different image. 

Basic differences: 
- Miniuboot does not require any special firmware for operation. Because of its ¹ Size upload to a place of dot ¹ d ¿unused used by the system. 
- Miniuboot image allows you to update via USB. Doœæ valuable, as it is uploaded to the flash E2, or Neutrino when ¿in both cases are solved on a standard partition of emergency serv ¹ ca supports firmware update with USB. 
- Miniuboot NOT allow you to run the firmware via NFS, with only a flash and USB 
- Ka ¿dy soft ¹ must have a separate partition (like uboocie choice of firmware) 
- Implemented functions and fatload speedboot przyœpieszaj head will start the process of firmware with a pen- 

Required programs: 
- AAF multipart Installer v1.9 
- CreateMini V1.4, if we want a more advanced zrobiæ ³ ¹ configuration (see section 5) 

1st Installation miniuboot: 
- Running MPI 1.9 
- Configure the IP address if needed 
- Press the button "Connect" 
- After a while you press the button "Mini U-Boot" 
- Press the button "Install Mini U-Boot" 
- After installation should uaktualniæ przcisk yourself to "Deactivate" 

2nd Recording Neutrino Flash using MPI 1.9 ¹: 
- Running MPI 1.9 
- Configure the IP address if needed 
- Press the button "Connect" 
- Press the button "Flash Tool" 
- In the "Select Full Image" choose the downloaded flash Neutrino. 
- Press "Flash full" and waiting quietly at the end of the operation 

3rd Recording to flash the firmware via USB: 
- Check if you have the appropriate firmware ¹ ¹ in flash command cat / proc / mtd " 
If you returned a dock ³ exactly the same as below, you can dalesz 
Running a Started
размер файла 3,19 мб.

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