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Старый 09.10.2011, 13:09   #11
Регистрация: 21.03.2009
Ресивер: GLOBO HD X403p (Optikum)
Адрес: Львов
Сообщений: 6
Сказал(а) спасибо: 20
Поблагодарили 11 раз(а) в 4 сообщениях
Вес репутации: 0
marek111 пока неопределено
Хорошо Имидж.Просто Супер...

This image has been used with or 1.35a CCcam 2.2.1 and Mgcamd.

Keys need to take to file in the var-keys.

A current file 2 KEYS is the message ...

** Take Before installing your backup definitely.!

** New bootlogo used.

** Radio and scan logos changed.

** This image was also used in skins:

darkpli_8, and the Gemini Army mediapli_8 Speed
editlendi skins by me ...

** Gemini Army Speed
** darkpli_8
** mediapli_8

** LANGUAGES: Turkish, Ingilizce, German, French, Italian
Russian, Roman, is available in Holland ...
(Other languages ??can be downloaded from the addons)

** integrated with CCcam 2.2.1.

** Mgcamd integrated 1.35a

** Mgcamd info is integrated.

** Ecminfo integrated.

** Server information special menu

** Werbezapper integrated.
(Werbezapper'i setting between 1 and 9 min, by
automatically return to watching the channel ...)

** Movieplayer integrated.

Teletext ** is available.

** Applications used in many satellite satellite xml.

** The channels can be done side by side with the help key.

** Occupancy rate is 25% ...

** ONLY DREAM UP, upload ..!!!

NOTE: Those who want and build before the 2 with Flashwizard
yi yi install and then the noble image in the message image
flashwizard still load it with ...

--- Image has been tested and given to the forum.
--- However, the responsibility belongs downloaded.

** After installation, there Cccam.cfg backup / etc get out of
Make your adjustments need to install the LNB and channel list.

Before installing your backup Take necessarily ...

(backups all the time; CCcam cfg, Channel list
Take separately and as a backup.)
Тип файлаИмя файла Размер файлаЗагрузок
Тип файла: rar OpenPLi-Turko v10 DM500_Army Speed_By meteor.rar 5.86 Мб 367
:: Заметка ::
Скачал? - нажми "Спасибо"

Тип файлаИмя файла Размер файлаЗагрузок
Тип файла: rar Gemini 470 DM500 Carbon Trans_Russian Language_By meteor.rar 4.86 Мб 348
:: Заметка ::
Скачал? - нажми "Спасибо"

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